Take A Walk With… Mark Seymour


In the 2nd of our ‘Take A Walk With…’ series, we interview award winning documentary photographer and Nikon UK ambassador, Mark Seymour.


Tell us about yourself…

Im a professional documentary photographer who likes to document peoples lives and tell their story through my imagery.


street photography



As an award winning photographer you must inspire a lot of people! Who has been the biggest inspiration in your life?

Cartier Bresson the Doyen of Reportage photography and ‘The decisive moment “


Do you recall the first time you had the urge to pick up a camera?

At the age of 5 and its been with me ever since


When you’re not out on photoshoots, what do you do to unwind?

Walk, talk and listen to Vinyl



What has been your biggest success to date?

Whilst I’ve won many wedding photographer awards my biggest success will be launching an exhibition on Dementia awareness.. Have a look https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1934957497/dementiamy-fathers-story-remember-me


We know you’re a big fan of camera bags, what do you think of our new (https://wombatleather.co.uk/product/wombat-thick-brown-hunter-leather-camera-bag-6916/) Wombat Leather one?

Its brilliant and just the right size to take a small to medium camera body with a couple of lenses. 




Are you working on any special projects at the moment?

Yes, my biggest one to date. We are trying to raise funds through Kick starter for a project on Dementia. Take a look



Thank you for your time. If people would like to take a look at your work and book you, where can they find you?




Dementia Mark Seymour_0243


Follow Mark’s journey at

